What is Encore?
Encore is our program designed for individuals who are 50 years of age or older. We have many community members registered in this program. We offer classes, field trips, arts & crafts and a lot of socializing! If this sounds like the right fit for you, sign up and join our program!
We also offer three free meals weekly to those in need! If this is a service you could benefit from, please fill out an application!
Once your registration is received, you will get a phone call. We want to get to know you and what needs you have.

What's New with Encore in 2024?
As funding and staffing change, our programs must adapt. Which is why you will be seeing a change to our Encore program for 2024.
With our adjustments, we have decided to change our meal delivery system to ensure we're serving the community the best way possible with the resources we have.
We are now incorporating an application process that we will closely review and determine where our delivery services will be most useful. As for the Senior Housing Facilities, we plan to deliver 20 meals a week to each complex, these will be available for pickup at set times. Any meals that are not picked up will be placed in the community fridge and available to anybody.
For our community activities, we want you to lead them! We will provide a space & snacks during set times, but you will be in charge of the actual activity-whether that be cycling, art, walking, or just visiting. Want to sign up? Follow the link :)