It's Their Choice To Go Home
We want to have fun here at HVCC, but the kids have to want to be here to do that!
Sending a kiddo home is never our preferred choice, but sometimes due to hard days and poor choices, it is our best option. One bad attitude can ruin the entire group dynamic!
We always work to restore good behavior and choices when a kid is struggling on any particular day, but there does come a point when we need to make a choice together on if we need to call parents to come pick up their child.
We are responsible for keeping the whole group of kids we have under control and in an environment conductive to enjoying activities and play time. It is NOT our responsibility to provide extensive corrective measures to a child who has no desire to cooperate or be a positive part of the HVCC program.
**Remember that fighting and violence will result in calling without redirection or warnings!**
We will redirect inappropriate choices, behaviors, and lack of listening once.
If a 2nd correction is needed within a day, a HVCC staff member and the child will have a discussion. The child will be presented with two options: (1) Correct behavior and participate in programming as asked or (2) call parents/guardians to request immediate pickup.
If the child chooses to go home, the following guidelines will be followed:
The 1st time a child chooses to go home, they forfeit their ability to participate in HVCC programming for the remainder of that day.
The 2nd time a child chooses to go home, they forfeit their ability to participate in HVCC programming for the remainder of that day PLUS the next day of programming.*/+/#
The 3rd time a child chooses to go home, they forfeit their ability to participate in HVCC programming for one week (from the day they chose to go home).
The 4th time a child chooses to go home, they forfeit their ability to participate in HVCC programming for the remainder of the program session**
*If a child chooses to go home on a Friday, they will not be allowed back in programing for the remainder of that Friday or for the next Friday.
#If a child chooses to go home on a Wednesday during the summer, they will not be allowed back in programming for the remainder of that Wednesday or the following Wednesday.
**Programming sessions typically follow the durations of the sports seasons. Summer Program sessions are split into two sessions: June and July.
***Forfeiting participation in HVCC programming includes all sports participation as well
+ During summer, if a child chooses to go home for the 2nd time on a Thursday, they will not be permitted back into baseball practice until Wednesday
The 1st time a child chooses to go home from practice, they forfeit their ability to play in the first half of the upcoming game.*/+
The 2nd time a child chooses to go home from practice, they forfeit their ability to play for the entirety of the upcoming game.*/#
The 3rd time a child chooses to go home from practice, they forfeit their ability to participate in the sport for the remainder of the season.
*The child is still expected to come to the game and support their team from the bench. If they do not show up to support their team, they will be required to uphold their pertaining consequence at the next game they are at.
**The child is still able to participate in regular HVCC programming in they forfeit their ability to participate in a sport
+During Summer Baseball, the first time a child chooses to go home, they will not be permitted to play in the upcoming game.
#During Summer Baseball, the 2nd time a child chooses to go home, they will not be allowed to play in any of the games for the next week.
Sick and Can't Go To School?
We want to keep all our little humans as healthy as possible, and germs can spread crazy quick!
If your child is too sick to be able to attend school, we ask that they stay home from HVCC as well.
Suspension Expectations​
If your child has been suspended or asked to take a break from school, they are not able to participate in HVCC programming.
We do not believe they are bad kid and we will miss them here, but we do believe that they will better understand the consequences of their actions if they are unable to attend HVCC due to their inappropriate behavior at school that resulted in their suspension.
*If a student is expelled the school may make arrangements for HVCC to provide academic supports, but that does not mean the student will be able to attend HVCC as normal.
If you have any questions about our policy, please let us know.
Thank you!